Delivery orders for Eastern and Decatur will now be handled through our Gibson location—same great service, same delivery area!

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The Dispensary Menu
Decatur - Vegas
5347 S Decatur Blvd #100, Las Vegas, NV 89118 Sun-Wed8:00AM – 11:00PM Thu-Sat8:00AM – 1:00AM (702) 476-0420
Eastern - Vegas
8605 South Eastern Ave Suite A, Las Vegas, NV 89123 Mon-Sun8:00AM – 12:00AM (702) 476-0420
Gibson - Henderson
50 Gibson Rd #170, Henderson, NV 89014 Mon-Sun8:00AM – 11:00PM (702) 476-0420
2nd Street - Reno
132 E 2nd St Reno, NV 89501 Mon-Sun8:00AM – 11:00PM (775) 686-6968
Lemmon Dr. - Reno

340 Lemmon Dr. Reno, NV 89506

Sun-Wed8:00AM – 10:00PMThu-Sat8:00AM – 11:00PM

(775) 686-6968

Plumb - Reno
100 W. Plumb Lane, Reno, NV 89509 Mon-Sun8:00AM – 12:00AM (775) 453-6992